
发布时间:2018-11-04 23:48:46

澳大利亚澳国立大学发来通知,20187月开学的以下专业已经满位。持有conditional offer但未达到要求的学术成绩的学生,可以选择延期至下一个有空位的学期或转至其他专业。

      ·         M Finance

·         M Financial Management

·         M Applied Finance

·         M Accounting

Master of Professional AccountingMaster of Actuarial Practice专业只有少量空余位置,随时可能满位。





However, they still have not yet met the academic requirement and since they hold a conditional offer for the Master of Financial Management for Semester 2 2018 they will either need to defer their offer to the next available semester or choose another program that is not yet full.  Please be advised that the following programs have closed for Semester 2 2018 intake:

·         M Finance

·         M Financial Management

·         M Applied Finance

·         M Accounting

The Master of Professional Accounting and the Master of Actuarial Practice also have limited places but as of today still have places available.  This may change without notice.
